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Dr. Miguel Rivera

(Localizado en San Jorge Chiropractic Place)

403 Calle San Jorge PDA 25 San Juan, Puerto Rico

Call Us: 787-671-3132




nashville chiropractor

El Dr. Miguel Rivera cursó su Grado Asociado en Terapia Física en la Universidad de Puerto Rico de Humacao y su Bachillerato en Ciencias del Ejercicio y Promoción de la Salud en la Universidad Sagrado Corazón. Más tarde obtuvo su Doctorado en Quiropráctica con honores en Life University en Marietta, GA,  la universidad más reconocida actualmente en este campo. Es Quiropráctico, experto en rehabilitación de lesiones y entrenamiento personalizado de alto rendimiento.


El Dr. Rivera encontró su llamado por la Quiropráctica luego de padecer de problemas de alergias.   Después de someterse a diferentes tratamientos se le informó que dependería de medicamentos por el resto de su vida.  Decidió someterse al cuidado quiropráctico y sus alergias desaparecieron para siempre. Ahí fue cuando el Dr. Rivera se encontró con el principio de la quiropráctica y la salud.


El Dr. Rivera ha recibido entrenamiento y certificaciones en nutrición, toxicidad, ejercicios y técnicas quiroprácticas correctivas, pediátricas, edad avanzada, familias y atletas.

Comentarios de Pacientes


MCHC has done wonders for me and my family. I was very skeptical at first because I was so used to turning to meds and antibiotics for any sickness. It took my husband and kids going for a few weeks and I had already noticed a huge difference in their health. Now we go in for adjustments weekly and haven't used any type of medicine for almost a year. Turning the power on has kept my family and I healthy and more aware of our bodies and how to continue to stay healthy. Love Dr. J and Dr. C and Blythe, Jaime and Whitney


I LOVE this office and everyone who works here! I can't say enough good about them! They personally care about every person that walks through the door and it shows. They work through any problem areas with you and I am constantly being adjusted differently based on my personal needs, which is awesome. They are always available and willing to help with any questions we may have about healthy living! They have become part if our family and we are so very happy to have found them!!!!


Amazing people doing amazing things. I was a sceptic about the concepts behind chiropractic care, but the results are great! I am enjoying relief from problems I thought I would have to live with, and they are not your average practice. Looking forward to learning from their vast knowledge and compassion to help people!

Mas Comentarios


Our staff will contact you within 24 hours. Bless you!


                               MORNING              AFTERNOON

LUNES           7:30am-11:30pm        3:30pm-6pm

MARTES                                              3:30pm-6pm

MIERCOLES     10am-12:30pm         3:30pm-6pm

JUEVES                                               3:30pm-6pm

VIERNES            8am-1030am

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